Immunobiogram is the only platform in the world to help assess the sensitivity of immunosuppressant drug and its dosage prior to transplant.
Duraent prioritizes customer satisfaction by listening to their needs, tailoring products and services accordingly, and exceeding expectations through a customer-centric approach
Revolutionizing kidney transplant care with a blood-based test, personalising immunosuppressive therapy for each patient, ensuring precision and better outcomes.
The first non-invasive blood test that empowers clinicians to confidently rule out subclinical acute rejection and ensure optimal immune system management in liver transplant patients.
First non-invasive blood test to rule out subclinical acute rejection (subAR) during Stable Renal Function.
Firstnon-invasive blood test to rule out clinical acute rejection in Renal Dysfunction.
Non-invasive means to monitor the risk of graft rejection and infection in kidney transplant recipients.
Immunobiogram is the only platform in the world to help assess the sensitivity of immunosuppressant drug and its dosage prior to transplant.
25% of kidney transplant recipients suffer from silent rejection. TruGRAF kidney helps identify vulnerable recipients and prevent silent rejection.
18% of all liver transplant recipients, living – DCD – DBD, suffer silent rejection.
We work on exclusive basis with BioHope of Spain and Eurofin of the US.
We have continuously pushed the boundaries of innovation, introducing groundbreaking products and solutions to the Indian market.
Duraent is a pioneering leader in static cold storage preservation, perfusion fluids, and machine perfusion technologies.
With an extensive distribution network and a dedicated team across India, Duraent covers all top hospitals, ensuring wide availability of products.
Duraent actively partners with international innovators, marketing their products in India and actively contributing to the creation of brand equity.
Transitioning from high-end marketing, Duraent is becoming a pioneering point-of-care services company, offering innovative solutions at the forefront of patient care.
Innovation and excellence sets us apart, our success stories in media and various publications
By forming strategic partnerships with global manufacturers, Duraent builds brand equity, expands market reach, and delivers high-quality healthcare products to customers.
Duraent drives its goals through relentless innovation and research excellence, continuously introducing groundbreaking products and solutions to meet evolving healthcare needs.
Duraent prioritizes customer satisfaction by listening to their needs, tailoring products and services accordingly, and exceeding expectations through a customer-centric approach.